1 March 2022
The seemingly elusive art of Manifestation
A brief 1-pager “manifestation”, I wrote back in 2014 (uploaded to this blog in July 2020, should you want to have a look-see.) put forward the ideology and ‘mind over matter’ concepts of manifestation. Many have tried their hand at manifestation and abundance – some have changed their lives but for the vast majority, it seems to be ‘juuuussst’ out of reach. The intention is set, the visualisation firm and one, two or five of the many possible manifestation ‘techniques’ is applied but nope, nothing’s noticeable is giving…. or coming, as it were.
In this post I am revisiting Manifestation – with some real focus on Money -, in, what I hope, to be a practical and relatable format. I am aiming to impart a little of the refinement, tweaks and awareness’s that I have been working on and through.
Let’s start at the beginning – What do you want to manifest? What does wealth & abundance look like for you specifically? I believe that this is a foundational piece of the puzzle overlooked and underworked. We are (over?) exposed, up close and personal, to what other people’s success, wealth, abundance and happiness looks like – we have also had glimpses into how, when one achieves the ‘goal’, that, it isn’t all as was imagined and many are left feeling like there is still some level of lack or that it should feel better, more rewarding, more like we’ve arrived!
I would ask you to consider this, a direct result of trying to live someone else’s idea of abundance – trying to have someone else’s experience. We each have an individual path, purpose and inner joy – why would wealth/abundance not be just as unique?
Define what your wealth/abundance looks like – there are four major ‘types’ of wealth we seek:
• Financial – money and status
• Cultural – values, time, freedom
• Self – health and wellness
• Social – relationships and social interaction
Which of these hold higher values and can you now define and envisage your personal state of wealth, abundance and fulfilment – be prepared for that to look very different to everyone else’s! (That’s how you know you are on the right track!) Be crystal clear on what you want your life to look like, not just small pieces of it…. the whole picture.
Now, that you know what you want and are not trying to re-create someone else’s experience – we can look as some of the practical steps of the “How” side of the equation.
In my experience, so far, there have been five must-have items on the to do list to get your manifestation on the roll:
- A clear picture of what you want to create.
The picture is essentially your personal definition of abundance, wealth and happiness. Changing your mindset, redefining your vision requires the greatest effort. - Clear wasted Space – mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically.
Get out of your own way – work through the disbelief, the self-sabotaging behaviours and programming, all of the obstacles you have and anything that does not align you with your highest value of deserve ‘ability. You will need to create a vision to hold firm to. A vision is not an idea – ‘ideas are created in the brain – vision comes from the heart’. - See it, Believe it, FEEL IT!
Emotions are the most powerful tools of manifestations – you will not Think your way into a new creation. Emotions have been tagged ‘Energy in Motion’ and creation needs action! The most powerful way to feel your creation is to develop a daily practice of Gratitude – keep your vibes high (this is what is meant by become the energy you want to attract.) - Let go and TRUST.
You cannot be controlling the outcomes and sources of creation so stop trying! Be open to multiple options on how your creation could come to life. You will be required to transform your desire into an absolute knowing – a deep trust that you are worthy of all the great abundance and wealth the world has to offer (the second hardest part – ‘practice makes progress’). I offer a quote: “Those who are certain of the outcome can wait and wait without anxiety” G Bernstein - Do the Work while you wait.
The “work” is what you do to remain in a space of gratitude and knowing/trust. Remember you will behave according to your beliefs – they are not tamed all in one go but by daily practice. The work could be a vision board, affirmations, mantras, crystal grids, meditations – I’m sure most of us are pretty au fait with these tools ( aware of. Excuse my French – because life requires humour.)
As mentioned before, these are my big 5 of manifesting/creating – learn to play and enjoy the process as much as you enjoy the results.
I haven’t forgotten the biggie for a lot of creators (that’s exactly what you are – just saying). The M-word, money invokes a lot of mixed messaging and dysfunctional programming in most of us.
You guessed it! There’s another self-exploration opportunity on the horizon on this one. What is money? What do you believe about money? Is it good/bad? Is it scarce? Do your creations get tripped up by beliefs that are sitting under the surface of your awareness?
I believe that we have forgotten that money is simply a tool – we have been so entrained to believe that money is tied to the Grind, if you work hard, you get more money. We logically know this to be untrue, as the most hardworking in fact ‘earn’ the least of it, yet emotionally, do we believe – do we know, that, we deserve abundance without hard work? Money is a simple extension of your personal energy; we have all been programmed to believe that we trade this energy for a pay-cheque and are paid our ‘worth’ based on how we ‘earn’ money. I put to you that money is like an energy source, an abundant one – however, like a river, if you block the ‘flow’ it will eventually meander off and away from you. Yup, money must be able to flow in and flow back out – the idea, alone, of hoarding the energy leads to stagnation and finally depletes the stagnant energy. Next to the hoarding hiccup, lurks the urgency/need energy that is a repelling charge rather than an attracting one – I think we can all agree, money cannot be manifested out of a space of lack or desperation (we’ve all tried that vibe, to no avail).
Money is a complex program, that takes a dash of self-awareness; a pound of patience and a tonne of humour to unravel – start smaller and master the art of using, and applying the energy of money graciously….
Start by creating a joy and deep gratitude around your ability to pay your bills, to buy your groceries – learn to love the mundane, the basic but essential aspects of your money energy, as much as the big extravagant flows (holidays, parties, gifts and so on). There is an untapped power in loving the life you live!
My next little gem – money is easier to manifest when you are focussed on an objective – note: I said focus not NEED): How about manifesting the things you want to buy rather than the amount of money is costs? What experience could you buy? Give it a go! Start enjoying the journey of attaining your ‘goal’ without rush/tension/stress/fear.
My final offering on money – be open to multiple and varied streams of income that feel good. Get out of your programs about how abundance should show up and you will most certainly be surprised by how creative manifestation can become. You are the obstacle on this one, do the untangling, the work so that you can get out of your own way. As, one of my favourites, Dr Dispenza teaches – allow the energy of your manifestations/creations to come you, rather that trying to drag yourself to them. Attract don’t chase.
I firmly believe that the only tools needed are a: growth mindset, a little emotional intelligence, a genuine curiosity and the ability to adapt/adjust. These are all aspects of the self that can be worked on and consistently refined and polished – onward and upward, in abundance and joy!