Mindful Deep Tissue Massage is based on the synthesis of an array of massage, tissue manipulation, breath and energy techniques to bring about a deep sense of release and rebalancing within the interconnected fascial network of the whole body.
Each massage, throughout the structured journey, is tailored to the specific requirements of the individual's body - creating a sense of body awareness and supporting our innate ability to heal, grow and thrive.
Who would benefit from this type of massage?
Deep Tissue Massage is a staple in a total wellness program for the performance athlete and the non-active body, alike.
Everybody's body benefits from regular bodywork.
Due to the powerful nature and interconnectedness of the bodies fascia, we do not massaage the full body in one session but rather in segments - whereas, the dearmouring session is a full liquid-body experience.
Choose of of the following starting points for your fascial healing journey: